When submitting your thoughts on what you have been playing lately, or "recent adventures" segment, please format in the following manner:
1. Introduce yourself if you like
a. "and my recent adventure was.... (insert game name)
-feel free to add some flavor here: Don't simply "play Cosmic Encounter," but instead perhaps you had "an
intergalactic encounter with the Filch in Cosmic Encounter!"
-if possible, please include the game's designer and publisher (easily found on boardgamegeek.com).
2. Include a simple breakdown of how the game is played.
-Do not teach the entire rulebook... simply give a simplified idea of what players do on their turn and how
the game is won.
3. Tell listeners about your gameplay!
-Share how you felt about the game. What did you love? What could be improved? etc?
-Please avoid overly negative thoughts about a game. This is not the segment for it.
4. When concluding your thoughts, please re-state the game name!